Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Best Kid Souvenirs

Last updated on August 25th, 2022 at 08:46 am

You’ve saved all your allowance money to travel to the outside edge of the galaxy and now you’re ready to shop and bring something back to earth—we’ve got Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Best kid souvenirs for the young and young at heart.

Bonus tip: we’ll tell you how to find the exact merchant you’re looking for because Batuu doesn’t have clear signs and labels like the rest of Disneyland Resort.Galaxys Edge Kids Souvenirs

Galaxy’s Edge Best Kid Souvenirs Black Spire Outfitters

Star Wars Galaxy's Edge kids
Photo courtesy Eric Mettner


Black Spire Outfitters is located in the lively market village in Black Spire Outpost. It’s on your left hand side if you’re walking toward the Millennium Falcon and closer to Docking Bay 7 than other market vendors. 


Black Spire Outfitters


Do your kids consider clothing a souvenir? My kids generally get excited about clothing featuring our vacation destinations and Star Wars Land is no exception. The Star Wars robes, tunics and belts sold here will definitely cost more than the off the rack t-shirts you can get 3 for $20 down by the beach.


kids jedi robes


Robes and costumes here run at about $60 for kid sizes and go up from there. Compare these to some of the princess gowns sold on site, and it’s very much on point price-wise. 


star wars robes disneyland

Star Wars Land Best Kid Souvenirs Creature Stall

Creature Stall is located in the bustling market village at Black Spire Outpost. It’s on your right hand side if you’re walking toward the Millennium Falcon and farther from Docking Bay 7 then other market vendors. 

Unusual beasts from all across the galaxy call this place home. Your kids will definetly want to take home a friendly porg or two, along with tauntauns. For those looking for something with a little kick to them, choose from rathtars, wampas and more.

I had an adorable little girl, about 6 years old approach me with her newly adopted creature while I was doing a live video on my Facebook page. For some reason she decided I looked friendly and wanted to show off her newly acquired pet. I didn’t show her on video because I don’t know her (or have permission) but she was so excited about her pet and I know every kid in this galaxy and beyond will want to get their hands on one of these. 

  • Kowakian Monkey-Lizard $69.99 perched a-top your shoulder comes complete with cackling ability and in a variety of colors.
  • Loth-Cat, this friendly creature hails from Lothal, but don’t let it’s sweet face fool you—under that smile are some fierce hunting teeth.
  • Porgs $44.99 flap their wings and chirp for life-like experience.


creature stall

  • A variety of creatures are available, and some of the less popular ones start at around $16.99.

creature stall souv

Galaxy’s Edge Best Kid Souvenirs Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities

Dok Ondar Entrance

You won’t find shop names prominently displayed, or displayed at all for that matter, on planet Batuu. Dok-Ondar’s is no exception. The automatic doors (pictured to the left of photo above) open to welcome you to a shop full of mysterious and rare items representing each era of the Star Wars galaxy. Dok-Ondor’s Den of Antiquities is located just across from Ronto Roasters. 

My favorite kid souvenirs hidden inside include:

  • Ancient Jedi and Sith artifacts, like these Sith tokens $3.99 (also available for the Jedi)

sith tokens

  • Kyber Crystals $12.99. One of these will come with the build your own lightsaber experience, but many guests will want multiple colors to swap. This is also great for kids who need a souvenir on a budget without the need for the expensive lightsaber. 

kyber crystals

  • Holocron Cubes $49.99

jedi holocron

  • Affordable lightsabers like the ones you find in Tomorrowland $39.99


  • I got a kick out of these Padawan braids $9.99 which can help complete any Star Wars fans ensemble. 

padawan hair braid

  • Jedi Gear Set $29.99

Jedi gear set

Star Wars Land Best Kid Souvenirs Droid Depot

You might be picking pieces off a conveyor belt, but this Droid Depot has some first-class merch. Choose from R-series or BB-series to build and customize your droids. Droids are capable of interacting with elements in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, even responding to behaviors.

build a droid disneyland

You can even add programming chips and accessories to further distinguish your droid from the pack.

Build your own Droid prices start at $100 and custom modifications like personality chips, color panels and accessories cause the prices to go up from there. 

If you’re looking for something more budget friendly, a pre-built droid or droid-inspired products will be right up your alley. Another option many guests don’t know about is the Droid Factory in Tomorrowland. Right inside Star Traders, near the lightsaber building experience is a small lego-like section to build your own droid. Unlike the expensive, life-like droids in Star Wars Land, this bite-size counterparts are much more affordable. 

driod factory

Prices for the Droid Factory in Tomorrowland run about 2 for $22 and kids love the hands on experience of building their own creation. droid depot prices

Bonus Tip: Find the back entry to Droid Depot, a discreet door closer to the First Order camp and right by an overhead bridge/walkway. Inside this end of Droid Depot you can enter and get smaller souvenirs like the popular (but kinda heavy) BB8 headband $35, complete with sound effects!

Disneyland droid headband

Galaxy’s Edge Best Kid Souvenirs First Order Cargo

First Order Cargo is located in the First Order area of Black Spire Outpost. If the giant First Order flags hanging nearby don’t give it away, it’s also the closest shop to the Fantasyland entrance point. Weird. I never thought First Order and Fantasyland would be in the same sentence.

First Order Cargo

Pledge your loyalty to the First Order Cargo at this temporary storage dock. While everything to buy in Galaxy’s Edge is unique and untypical for earth creatures, this is where you’ll find the most familiar souvenir fare (also at its counterpart, Resistance Supply) like hats, gear, model ships, pins, costumes and more.

First Order souvenir

My top picks for kid souvenirs include this First Order rank bands set $29.99.

first order belts

My kids love themed notebooks. They fill them up with drawings, stories and experiences from our road trip and Disneyland vacations. This First Order notebook is super sleek and intimidating, don’t you think?

Star Wars notebook


Have you jumped on the pin trading wagon? This trading pin starter set $29.99 is gorgeous! When we began pin trading, we got all the kids a starter set, then bough a lot of pins online and used those to build up their collection of favorites. Disney trading pins are perfect for kids to feel like they got something new each trip, even if it’s just trading a pin or two. 


Star Wars Pins Disneyland

Galaxy’s Edge Best Kid Souvenirs Resistance Supply

Resistance Supply is located near the pathway from Critter Country. If you enter from Critter Country, it’s the very first set of shopping kiosks you’ll see in Galaxy’s Edge. 

Tucked away in the Resistance’s hidden command post, this is where you’ll find the most familiar souvenir fare like hats, gear, pins, and more. This is one of my favorite shopping spots because it’s less crowded than the marketplace, giving kids and parents a little more space to roam and explore. 

My favorite kid souvenirs at this resistance HQ are:

  • Collectable figures set $24.99. I could see my kids playing with these for hours. Figurine sets are always a hit with a variety of ages and you feel like you get a good value for your money because there are so many pieces included. 

star wars souvenir

  • Resistance rank badge set $24.99. This one caught my eye and allows kids to choose from two base models which signifies their rank and office in either the Resistance Army (red) or Resistance Navy (blue). While not a toy, you can add these to purchased costume pieces or add them to your own at home. I love souvenirs that encourage role-playing and this is something kids can have a lot of fun with once they return from Batuu. 

resistance bridge set

  • Resistance patches, both single $9.99 and as a set $29.99. Tweens and teens (adults too!) can stylize their own resistance gear from jackets, backpacks, duffle bags and more. It costs much less to buy a single patch or a set and add it your own clothes or bags than to buy a full jacket here on Batuu which often run around $100. Taking these home and creating your own piece turns into a custom souvenir that no one else will have.

resistance patches

Star Wars Land Best Kid Souvenirs Savi’s Workshop

Savi’s Workshop is hidden between Droid Depot and Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities. Ask anyone in the land where to find scrap metal (read common Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge phrases here) and they’ll direct you here. 

savis scrap metal

Remember, if you’re used to the “build your own lightsaber” station in Tomorrowland, Savi’s Workshop brings it to a whole new level.

build saber

And a whole new budget level. Savi’s Workshop hosts high-end Star Wars fare, so if you’re looking for something around $30 or less, you can still head to Tomorrowland and build a toy lightsaber.


build a lightsaber


In Galaxy’s Edge, we’re going beyond the “toy” and enter a unique, custom experience completely new to Disneyland Resort.  “Gatherers” welcome you into a covert workshop, where we go undetected from the First Order to build a one-of-a-kind lightsaber and bring it to life with kyber crystals. 


savis lightsaber


Prices start at $200+ and you must have a reservation to even enter Savi’s Workshop. Begin by choosing a custom lightsaber theme from: 

  • Peace and Justice, via Jedi Republic era
  • Power and Control, nod to the Sith
  • Elemental Nature, think air, earth, fire and water
  • Protection and Defense, full of mystery

star wars land light saber

Savi’s workshop was an incredible and heart-filling experience on its own. It truly felt like you were immersed in the story to birth a character of your own. –Gabriela Orrego

Have you built a lightsaber at Savi’s Workshop? I haven’t participated myself, but have included what a couple of my readers have to say about the immersive experience. 

The $200 piece tag for the saber was well worth only for the experience/show that you were apart of while making it. I already want to go back and build another one. -Andrew Marostica

Want to see more of the build your own lightsaber experience? I recommend watching all of the videos on The Dan-O Channel, including the one below. 

Galaxy’s Edge Best Kid Souvenirs Toydarian Toymaker

Toydarian Toymaker is the first shop on the left as you walk into the Market, if you’re going toward the Millennium Falcon. 

porg plush

Inside Toydarian Toymaker stall you’ll find Star Wars kid souvenirs worth stopping for. The Porg plush pictured above is $17.99.

chewie plush

They offer items crafted by its namesake alien, first seen buzzing around Anakin Skywalker­ in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. It peddles artisan-style plush characters, wood and tin toys, games and instruments. The wooden characters on the left are $19.99.


toydarian toymaker


Looking for more traditional Star Wars plush? Find those and other Disney stuffed animals to take home throughout the resort and especially at Star Traders in Tomorrowland.


Star Wars kid souvenirs

Now that we’ve taken you on a journey through the shops of Galaxy’s Edge, what items will you be picking up? And yes, everything is a fantastic answer.

Bonus kid souvenir alert!

Star Wars Coke

My daughter LOVED the coke bottles. Who needs to buy your kid a $200 lightsaber when they are happy with the under $5 Cokes?!?! -Leslie from Trips with Tykes

What do you think? Is it possible to stay on any kind of budget with our list of Star Wars kid souvenirs?

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